St. Anthony & St. Thomas
We the parishes of St. Anthony and St. Thomas, dedicate ourselves to the understanding and living out our Catholic heritage in the community with others. We share this faith as we all walk together and bring God's love and concern for others.

Weekday: Tues - Wed, & Fri: 8:15 am St. Anthony
Weekday: Thurs 9:00 am Athenian Living Center
Saturday: 4:00 pm St. Anthony
Sunday: 8:00 am St. Thomas
Sunday: 9:30 am St. Anthony
Holy Days & Other Masses (click here)
Saturday: 3:00 pm St. Anthony
417 Caroline St.
P.O. Box 206
Athens, WI 54411
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The Diocesan Annual Appeal will soon be underway. Please watch for your pledge card in mail. If you did not receive one, you may pick one up near the entrances of both churches. Thank you so much for your pledge and donation!